APPROACH aims to support training and mobility of research and innovation talents across sectors, developing best practices for intersectoral talent circulation at the benefit of the participating widening countries. It is aiming to develop a reinforcing innovation ecosystem, creating an impactful collaboration between academia and businesses. The specific objectives are listed below.
APPROACH aims to push forward the application and potential exploitation/valorization of the FORTH, UPOL PDOT, NoviNano and TSNUK know-how, through strong collaboration and well-designed research activities among the partners.
Top-class experts in the field of applied research and talent development, like IMEC, Solaronix and VAMK will provide training courses, as well as hands-on experience and on-demand training to young researchers originating from these widening countries.
Exchange of both young researchers and top-class experts is crucial for the successful realization of the proposal’s objectives.
As an end product, this collaboration will set the widening partners as players of excellence in the development of advanced photonic processes for novel solar energy harvesting technologies.