Solaronix SA is a Swiss shareholder SME company located in Aubonne, Switzerland, and develops metal-halide perovskite based solar cell (PSC). Solaronix has pioneered ultra-stable carbon back-electrode based perovskite solar cells & modules, based on an all-printed production technology.
Currently, we operate a test line capable of processing up to fifty 10 x 10 cm glass substrates per day, and we plan to expand the substrate sizes up to 30 x 30 cm in near future.
We demonstrated methylammonium lead iodide based perovskite minimodules with a surface area of 56.7 cm2 having an average power conversion efficiency of 13% on the aperture area, and the narrow interconnection lines allowed for a geometric fill-factor of 93%.
Solaronix manufactures also all the materials needed for perovskite solar cell production, especially, the mesoscopic metal oxide inks and pastes, comprising TiO2, ZrO2, Al2O3 and NiOx, as well as the perovskite precursor solutions. We also provide semi-finished electrodes and complete photovoltaic cells & mini-modules for investigation.
We collaborate in multiple R&D consortia, namely in the Horizon Europe projects SUNREY, DIAMOND, both focusing on improving the materials and durability of PSC’s, as well as in the projects SUNCOCHEM and PH2OTOGEN, both endeavors investigate using sunlight to either form valuable chemicals from CO2 or making hydrogen as an energy carrier. We contribute by providing specialized perovskite photovoltaic modules as well as tailored electrodes. The national project AIPV2 focuses on contact-less quality control methods, and we deliver the PSC devices to the partners.
Our infrastructure comprises a semi-automatic pilot production line for 10×10 cm and 20×25 cm mini-modules & lab cells, based on screen-printing & inkjet processing in ambient conditions, a ns-pulsed UV Laser will soon be added to refine interconnection methods in modules. We also have various light soaking benches up to 60×60 cm area for long duration experiments, coming with I-V measurement tools and solar simulators For the layer analysis, we have a W-filament TESCAN VEGA2 & Oxford Instruments INCA EDX, as well as a profilometer.
Perovskite mini-module during manufacturing
Our role in APPROACH is hosting talents from the sending institutions of the Project, to work on perovskite photovoltaic solar cell manufacturing (development level), to train on result valorization as well as on business aspects. Thematic workshops are held online, and/or in our premises, to strengthen the knowledge on industrial competitiveness, technology transfer & commercialization, as well as the global challenges we face.
Sol. RRL 2021, 2100527 “Perovskite Photovoltaic Devices with Carbon-Based Electrodes Withstanding Reverse-Bias Voltages up to –9 V and Surpassing IEC 61215:2016 International Standard”, D. Bogachuk et al.
Cell Reports Physical Science 2021, 2, 100648 “Light-induced performance increase of carbon-based perovskite solar module for 20-year stability”, E. Kobayashi et al.
Adv. Energy Mater. 2022, 2103128 “Perovskite Solar Cells with Carbon-Based Electrodes – Quantification of Losses and Strategies to Overcome Them”, D. Bogachuk et al.
Nature Communications 2017, 8, 15684 “One-Year stable perovskite solar cells by 2D/3D interface engineering”, M. K. Nazeeruddin et al.
Webshop at shop.solaronix.com